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Loredana Maiuri, in arte Majuri, debutta come corista nello show “Buonasera Raffaella” con Raffaella Carra’, al quale seguiranno 2 edizioni di “Domenica In”, e varie collaborazioni discografiche  Zarrillo, Silvia Salemi, Gazebo, per citarne alcuni.

Altre esperienze televisive :

  • Non e’ la Rai (vocalist doppiatrice)

  • Tira & Molla (con Paolo Bonolis e Luca Laurenti)

  • Sarabanda (con Enrico Papi) nel cui cast e’ rimasta per 7 anni

Come Vocalist e Songwriter, con lo pseudonimo Majuri ha realizzato numerosissime collaborazioni con diversi Dj/Producers a livello internazionale (tra cui Gianni Bini, Gabry Ponte, Provenzano Dj, D.O.N.S. Tom Novy, Barbara Tucker )

Svariate le collaborazioni in campo pubblicitario e cinematografico

( Spot Scavolini 2009, Immaturi, Amore 14, I Griffins, La Stella di Laura, Voci) 

Performer in svariate formazioni live, tra cui spicca il suo Tina Turner Tribute, è inoltre lead singer della band  Lillo e i Vagabondi, capitanata dall'attore comico Lillo.

E' inoltre Certified Master Teacher Estill Voice Training, e docente di Canto Moderno presso alcune scuole della Capitale.

Singer Songwriter Loredana Maiuri, aka Majuri, is one of the most eclectic artists on the Italian scene.
Starting off as a backing vocalist, she took part in some of the most popular TV shows for over a decade. Her voice can be heard in several soundtracks and commercials (one of her most recent works is Scavolini commercial).

After creating a Myspace profile and uploading some of her demos, she starts getting the attention of several dj-producers, becoming in a short time very sought-after as vocalist-songwriter, so that in just two years she gets to deliver up to 18 singles.

From then on, she engages in a string of collaborations with some well-known producers (D.O.N.S., Gabri Ponte, Gianni Bini, Jerry Ropero, Tom Novy, Fuzzy Hair,The Promiseland, Provenzano Dj, Fathers of Sound, Barbara Tucker and many more…) often hitting the charts and getting support by the likes of Bob Sinclar, Roger Sanchez, Fedde Le Grand, Denis the Menace...

Until now she has released over 70 singles on some of the most prestigious labels (Hed Kandi, Stealth, Kontor, Purple Music,Energy) and she’s constantly at work on new productions.

VIDEOS loredana maiuri sito website majuri sito website vocalist sarabanda corista tina turner tribute soul mama roma lazio singer cantante enrico papi songwriter


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